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Eco-Friendly Brick Slips From Stock!

Eco friendly brick slips

Brick slips are becoming increasingly popular these days. This is mainly due to the aesthetics of them. However, another prominent reason is due to how eco-friendly brick slips are. Here we’ll just scratch the surface in explaining how brick tiles help the environment.

One of the eco-friendly benefits of brick slips is their ability to keep heat inside the building. This reduces the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. As you may know, carbon dioxide plays a major role in rising the Earths temperature. This presents numerous issues for the world and poses a threat to the sustainability of the planet. So by making use of brick slips your investing into the long term future of the planet.

That brings us to our second example of how brick slips are eco-friendly. They last forever! Okay maybe not forever, but certainly a very long time. If installed and maintained correctly, it will be another 100 years at least before you have to even think about replacing them. Whats great about them as well is, once you’re done with them, they’ll be of great use to someone else. So you essentially recycle the bricks once you’re done. They then become reclaimed brick slips! If you’re interested in reading about this topic we have a blog all about them here!

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We want to thank you for choosing Slips From Stock as your brick slip supplier! So once your slips have been installed post them on Facebook or Instagram and we’ll send you an Amazon voucher!

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