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Brick Slip Accessories

Brick Slip Accessories And Tile Surface treatment on Euphoria brick slips

Brick slip and their accessories go together like Batman and Robin. Without one, the other just doesn’t work as well. So don’t get caught up in the excitement of placing your order and forget to grab the necessities!

Essential Brick Slip Accessories

This isn’t to say the other brick slip accessories aren’t important, but these ones are some of the most crucial. On every project, adhesive is a non negotiable. Without it, you will have a hard time doing anything with your brick slips. It quite literally is the glue of the whole process! We test all our brick slips with SlipFix adhesive so we would always recommend this to our customers. Should you choose to purchase your brick slip accessories from another supplier, we can not guarantee the same success.

The other extremely crucial accessory would be our primer. This is because of its close relationship with the adhesive. The primer makes sure your surface is in the optimal condition for the application of the adhesive. When installing, primer should be the first brick slip accessories you reach for. Our primer is suitable for use on most surfaces. This brick slip accessories provides allows you to feel safe in the knowledge that your project will easily withstand the test of time!

Customers Choice

There are a few brick slip accessories that, although we would highly recommend, are completely up to the customer whether they choose to use them. The first would be our brick slip sealer. This is a surface treatment for your brick slips to prevent liquid ingress. It also significantly reduces surface degradation as atmospheric contaminants do no stick. You run the risk of your brick slips becoming discoloured over time should you choose not to pick up this brick slip accessories.

Another brick slip accessories you should consider is Slip-Point mortar. Although customers have sent us in some stunning projects without mortar, it certainly helps to keep up the illusion of a real brick wall. The mortar is designed to replicate the sand and cement that would normally hold full bricks together. Without the brick slip mortar you project may not look as authentic as it could do.

Contact Us For Brick Slip Enquires

Our sales team can help you with your choice of brick slip and can also assist with working the quantities that you require for your project out also, including Slip-Fix adhesive and Slip-Point mortar. Feel free to use our brick slip calculator on our site. Or, for more complex projects, please send your drawings over to sales@slipsfromstock.com and a member of the estimating team will respond within 24 hours. For large trade customers, we recommend visiting TBS Cladding Solutions. We want to thank you for choosing Slips From Stock as your brick slip supplier! So once your slips have been installed post them on Facebook or Instagram and we’ll add you to a raffle for a chance to win an Amazon voucher!  We are experts on all things brick slips and also offer a FREE brick slip matching service. Simply email us at sales@slipsfromstock.com or call us at 01889 227183.

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